10 causes of road accidents that nobody cares about @ma3route

10 causes of road accidents that nobody cares about @ma3route

The majority of road crashes are caused by human error. Just because you are careful does not mean that you can assure that all other drivers on the road will do the same thing. There are causes of serous accident that are ignored by most people:


1. Rain
While you can't always avoid driving in the rain, the slippery, treacherous road conditions caused by heavy rains should be avoided when at all possible. If visibility is too low to drive or the roads seem particularly slippery, you should pull over and wait until the storm passes.


2. Night Driving
Lack of visibility makes hazards more difficult to see at night. Make sure that you are extra alert on the road at night, and use your full lights when on an abandoned road without streetlights.


3. Car Design Defects
Sometimes accidents are caused by flaws in the car itself. While you cannot always avoid this, make sure to take note of any recalls in the news and take your car in for regular maintenance.


5. Wrong-Way Driving/ Improper Turns
Everyone makes mistakes, but lapses in judgement while driving a car can cause horrible accidents. Be aware of road signs warning of one-way roads or other irregularities, especially in unfamiliar areas.

When people don't get in the proper lane to make a turn, use signals properly, or follow traffic signals, accidents happen. Always look out for traffic signs and obey the proper right-of-way when you make a turn.


6. Teenage Drivers
Teens don't have the experience to know what to do in unsafe conditions and that naïveté causes accidents. If you have teenagers, make sure that they have had a defensive driving course, do not permit cell phone use while driving, and limit the passengers they can take with them in the car.


8. Potholes:
Potholes are very frustrating for drivers because sometimes they can't be avoided. Try to drive around potholes to avoid damaging your car, when you can, but do not swerve into another lane if cars are coming. Don't take chances, especially with the heartbreaking car accident statistics from previous cases.


9. Tyre Blowouts
If you get a flat while driving, it can cause you to swerve unexpectedly. Try to stay calm and keep control of the wheel while pulling over as soon as it is safe. Call for help if you cannot change the tyre yourself safely.


10. Animal Crossings
Anyone who has ever heard someone tell about hitting a Maasai cow knows that this is a big danger. For this reason, take extra caution when you see an animal crossing sign and always use your high beams when travelling in rural, woody areas where both domestic and wild animals are common.



Before you driving, think about how wonderful life is, your loved ones (even if you've you already have written a will), your business and the other great dreams you still want to achieve in life. Be proactive by taking precaution and removing all forms of distractions and possible causes that might hinder your focus along the road. Life is still sweet and worth living!

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